Help withTutoring
If you get stuck with your studies or do not understand any section, initially
you should seek help locally. Officers with engineering degrees should normally
be able to help, but guard against them doing the work for you or the benefit
of the course will be lost. If you are still having a problem, then contact
the appropriate tutor here within Technology Wing at RSS.
You have separate tutors for Mathematics/Electrotech and for Software/Computer
Systems as shown below.
Mathematics and Electrotech Tutors
Mr J Smith Tel 01258 482297 E-mail
Mr J Beggs Tel 01258 482899 E-mail
Mr J Close Tel 01258 482899 E-mail
Mr W Dennis Tel 01258 482899 E-mail
Software and Computer Systems Tutors
Mr N Rich Tel 01258 482272 E-mail
Mr K Dugdale Tel 01258 482254 E-mail
If you are unable to contact your tutor, messages can be left
with the clerk on 01258 482289 or you may FAX us on
01258 482793. However, please remember that working
day is 08:15am to 17:00pm UK time, and none of the
above services operate outside those times